30 Families. 30 Homes. 30 Days.
Though the Covid-19 Pandemic has slowed things down for everyone, June is still set to be a big month for Habitat Collier families. So many of our families who are waiting to close on their homes are sheltering in overcrowded and substandard conditions. Our goal is to close on 30 homes with 30 families in 30 days. Here are just a few of the families who are anxiously looking forward to closing on their homes in June:

“We are a family of four living in a four-bedroom apartment overcrowded with 11 other people. We occupy one room and due to lack of space my son has to sleep with his grandma. Having a Habitat home would create a safe haven for us and provide a stable foundation for our kids. I have never had a place of my own, I would love to own a home, especially for my kids.”
“This time of uncertainty due to COVID-19 has been very challenging in many ways for everyone, including myself. I am working reduced hours in order to help my children with school, not knowing what tomorrow brings. I am currently living in an apartment where my children are unable to go outside to play and enjoy themselves which makes me feel sad. Habitat Collier has given us the opportunity to have a place we will call home and where my children will be able to go outside and enjoy the outdoors knowing we are safe. I’m looking forward to closing on our home and being able to adapt to a healthy, stable lifestyle during these times of uncertainty. From the bottom of my heart, I am so thankful for the donors who are making this possible. They are not only giving us a place to call our home, but a stable environment where my children can grow up and make memories that last forever.”

“With Habitat, we can have our own house and make a better plan for the future. I don’t make enough to buy a house (with a conventional mortgage) and pay the interest, and take care of our family. Habitat can help us to go farther in life— especially the kids. We know college is a big thing for parents who have this wonderful organization on their side, and I have heard the testimony of parents and children—how much Habitat helped them raise up.”
Won’t you help these families get to the finish line by supporting our effort to close on 30 homes with 30 families in 30 days? Your gift today will help them to move from these challenging conditions into a simple, decent home of their own. In these trying times, please give these parents the opportunity to provide their children with a safe, affordable home in which to shelter safely.